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Campaign announcement 2022



dave_mcfadden_headshot“We are calling the campaign Manchester Bold: The Future is Ours 因为我们正在大胆地宣布,世界需要更多的曼彻斯特毕业生. 这项活动旨在帮助更多的学生找到曼彻斯特, thrive here, and go on to improve the human condition,” said President Dave McFadden.

There are six giving opportunities:

  • New Initiatives, $6.5 million goal: (硬链接至十大网赌正规网址|曼彻斯特大胆-新举措)MU将抓住机遇,迅速调整其产品与当今学生的需求. 新倡议基金使曼彻斯特能够探索创意,并帮助伟大的创意成长. So far, it has helped launch traditional and accelerated programs in nursing. It was also instrumental in creating the Spartan Pride Marching Band 是什么让那些喜欢高中经历的学生在大学水平上打球.
  • Winger Hall Renovation, $5 million: Constructed in 1952, Winger的原始部分需要升级,以帮助学生发展他们与艺术的关系,并学习当代主题,如平面设计和音乐技术. Arts education also dovetails with MU's approach to interdisciplinary learning: marketing majors study graphic design; psychology students learn about art therapy; communication studies majors learn to do digital photography; and biology-chemistry majors sing in the choir and play in the symphony orchestra. The faculty offers transformative, rich opportunities for students, 比如在卡内基音乐厅和艺术展览上唱歌. An ADA-compliant, modern building is crucial.
  • Wellness and Sport Performance Center, $6 million:  A multi-use indoor wellness facility, 健康和运动表演中心将为数百名MU学生提供服务-这些学生是NCAA第三赛区的学生, intramural and recreational sports, and those who simply want a healthy lifestyle. More space and equipment will provide healthy fun, year-round training to prevent injuries, 为健康科学专业的学生提供发展技能的机会,并为所有学生建立将为他们的余生服务的习惯.
  • Funderburg Learning Commons, $5.5 million: Manchester Bold将把这座图书馆改造成21世纪的图书馆, 技术丰富的学习共享,帮助学生发展研究技能, 多媒体沟通和协作解决问题. 这些工具将支持他们毕业后进入一个不断变化的世界. 学生将有机会使用3D打印和虚拟现实设备, 升级将增加急需的电气更新,以适应电子学习设备的扩大使用. 芬德堡还收藏了十大网赌正规网址档案和和平研究教会的兄弟收藏品. 储存这些物品——其中许多是易碎的——需要能够完全安全的气候控制空间.
  • The Manchester Fund, $11 million: 单是学费还不足以支付十大网赌正规网址教育的全部费用, 百分之百的本科生至少会得到一些经济援助. 曼彻斯特基金确保大学在处理北曼彻斯特和韦恩堡日常运营现实的同时,可以专注于教学学生. 当学生有高于平均水平的经济需求或经历政府援助削减时, The Manchester Fund helps keep them in school. 当屋顶出现漏水时,曼彻斯特基金会帮助修复它. When winter weather is exceptionally harsh, 曼彻斯特基金帮助支付意外高昂的水电费,并确保步行的场地安全. 换句话说,曼彻斯特基金弥补了差距,解决了迫切需求.
  • Endowment, $8 million: 如果没有坚实的基础,你不会建造你梦想中的房子. 这就是对曼彻斯特的捐赠——一个坚实的基础. 投资是为了赚取收入,捐赠基金的目的是永久存在. The steady stream of revenue helps Manchester plan, 它提供了一些大学无法负担的东西. Endowed funds can help students study abroad, perform service learning, conduct undergraduate research, complete a professional internship, and be used for scholarships. 这些机会对第一代尤其重要, 低收入和少数族裔学生在毕业和以后的道路上. 


    麦克法登说:“我们期待未来,并张开双臂拥抱它。. “我们看到了即将出现的机会,并将它们归为己有. Manchester Bold意味着我们以使命为先导,鼓励学生发现最好的自己.”

    melanie-harmonManchester has already raised more than $36.8 million in donations and commitments toward its goal.

    “This is an exciting time in this institution’s history,” said Melanie Harmon, vice president for advancement. “Our donors have been here for us from Day 1, 我相信他们会在这里为我们和曼彻斯特大胆. The need has never been greater, and the time is now.”

    竞选主席是兰迪·布朗,巴恩斯的执行合伙人 & Thornburg LLP in Fort Wayne. A member of the Manchester Class of 1987, he is a member of the University’s Tower Society, Otho Winger Society, 他已经连续捐了30多年了. 2005年至2016年,他担任董事会成员,并担任董事会主席,任期三年. 


    For the media
    位于北曼彻斯特和印第安纳州韦恩堡的十大网赌正规网址.提供充满活力和变革的学生体验. Learn more at

    Our mission and values: 十大网赌正规网址尊重每一个人的无限价值,尊重那些有能力和信念的毕业生,他们利用自己的教育和信仰来领导有原则的人, productive, and compassionate lives that improve the human condition.

    Oct. 22, 2022